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Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen Castle, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, N. Ireland, BT74 7HL

Getting Here

OPEN TODAY - 11:00am-5pm

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Personal Assistance Support Scheme (PASS)

PASS is available for people who have a disability who require the assistance of a companion in order to visit Enniskillen Castle Museums and are entitled to a complimentary ticket for their companion.

The person with a disability must first register their details with the Fermanagh & Omagh District Personal Assistance Support Scheme (PASS) before availing of the service. A registration form can be accessed via the link below or by contacting our Customer Service Team at 

Some programmed events have been brought in from an independent organisation. Personal Assistance Support Scheme tickets may be limited as the Promoters of these events have the right to determine the numbers available at each occasion. Enniskillen Castle Museums will allocate PASS Tickets on a first-come-first-served basis until the maximum number allocated is reached. 


Heritage Gateway

Fermanagh Stories

Showcasing the history of the lakelands, signposting other important attractions & telling unique local stories (Image © Conor Conlon)

Fermanagh Stories